About the NWCWC

​The Northwest Civil War Council (NCWC) is a non-profit organization made up of people who share a strong interest in the American Civil War. They believe that this conflict, as savage and tragic as it was, still represents the center- piece of our history and has important effects for us as a people even in the 21st century. Visitors can also visit the camps to see and touch how the soldiers lived. Civilian life is also portrayed in the fashions, cooking, music, dances,

Come and join us and see who we are, what we do, and share our passion for this critical era.

Why I'm Involved

Ten years ago my grandmother took me to a civil war reenacting event as a reward for getting my 4H projects done, as one of her long time friends and sewing circle ladies was a member.. She took me and my sister to this blistering hot July 4th camping event where I snuck into a battalion meeting, got to carry around a Springfield rifle and fell incredibly in love with the history, camping and all the stories every single member has to offer. I have grown up at these events, and this decade of reenacting has taught me more than I can say. I have found some of my closest friends in life, and I will never forget the community around the campfire.